Saturday, September 13, 2008

Seven Seas Cod Liver Oil

Remember Seven Seas cod liver oil? It was considered a tonic back when I was a child. My mother use to force it on me and my brother when we were young. We were supposed to chew it down and not swallow it. The experience wasn't pleasant. It tasted like unholy shit. Besides it made me belch, and every time I belched it smelled like unholy shit. Looking back, I think what my mother did to us amounted to child abuse.

Something happened two days back that took me back to those days. I visited a friend who just came back from a trip to Moscow. She proudly served me a spoonful of caviar that she had brought back from Russia. I've heard of caviar and seen it on TV as an expensive delicacy. I took the small spoonful into my mouth. It tasted a bit salty at first but as I chewed on it the taste turned woody and then smoky and to something that is beyond description. For it was the most foul tasting thing I have ever put on my palette. Not only did it taste horrible, an hour later the delicacy too me to the bathroom. There I went like a goose for three full minutes. That evening's vodka punctuated with occasional caviar berries.

It is two days since, and I am still goosing uncontrollably. Every time I goose it stinks unholy - And that ladies and gentleman reminds me of Seven Seas oil.


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Man... you are hilarious

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