Monday, December 11, 2006


I have always liked Karunakaran. I believe he was a real politician and not a huckster like his nemesis Mr.Antony and so many others in this line of business. He also makes me want to read Malayalam news papers daily. The genius in him constantly provides fodder to our wonderful journalists to keep things exiting.

But I think it is time for him to hang up his robe and retire. He has been slowly loosing his senses since he lost his chair in ‘95. I don’t know what his grand plan is. What ever it be, he is turning himself to nothing but a petty, spiteful, vindictive old fart. Of late he has started exhibiting symptoms of schizophrenia and is badly in need of professional care.

It's time for the old man to sit down and shut up while he still have some respect.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

He is a criminal. He murdered many political opponents. He will rot and go straight to hell. - Raj

2:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hello, off topic...but do have any Balamuralirkishna collections?

8:25 AM  

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