Sunday, December 31, 2006


I quit making New Year's Resolutions long ago. Before then, I would make resolutions, convince myself that I would keep them, and then break every damned one, usually before the end of January.That usually was a waste of time and a blow to my self-esteem. So I figured out that I was better off NOT making any resolutions. But, I have changed my mind this year. Here are my resolutions for 2007:
1) I will stop going to ice cream socials and lunch and learn sessions at work.
2) I will stop buying technical books in 2007. I have more of those than I need or read already.
3) I will continue to blog.
4) I'm gonna plant more hibiscus and make sure they all root and grow and bloom well. I will take lots of pictures of it too. I threw that one in there just to take the pressure off of keeping ALL my resolutions.
5) I'm going back to New York and live with my buddies from school, at least twice in 2007. Those 4 days I spend with them were my best in 06.
Those should be no problem to keep.

Happy new year to all of you.


Blogger Pradeep Nair said...


12:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wish you & your loved ones a happy and prosperous new year


7:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, your piece on Las Vegas was brilliantly humourous!

Happy New Year 2007!

8:14 AM  

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