Monday, February 09, 2009

SNC Lavlin Scandal

An interesting slide deck covering the inside scoop of the brewing SNC Lavlin controversy

Ref: http://snclavalin.blogspot.com/


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You give more details for the following questions

1. How much money (split up with period) in various head was trasfered from Govt of Kerala to SNC Lavlin, the period of transfer of money must be indicated
2. How much money receive for cancer center and when.
3. Why the rest of money not received for cancer centre
4. Check whether the money was transfered to SNC lavlin, during the period the money to Cancer centre was not received.
5 What is the role of Mr Kadavur Sivadasan the minister whose period the MOU for cancercentre was lapsed.
6. What is contribution of Kadavur as a power minister.

Give all the details, then only people can judge.

10:52 PM  

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