Monday, August 07, 2006

Joyful Three Days

I had the most joyful days in my recent history last week. I was in New York to visit a couple of friends from School. It was 16 years since we met. We were wondering how we would recognize each other. We all exchanged photos and decided that in the worst case we would walk around Penn station with our birth marks exposed. I have a nice mole on my buttocks, so I was all exited about the proposal.

The three days was the most fun I had in a long, long, long time. In all the three days, I hardly slept for over 3 hours each day for we had sixteen years of catching up to do. But still, when I came back home I felt light and refreshed, like I was just back from a vacation to India. There is something about your childhood friends that is soothing and refreshing that you just can’t replace.

(Sankari, my friend Sukesh’s daughter was too ready to pose for me)

I was solo on this trip, so I had some good convincing to do to my bitter half. I told her that man is essentially a hunter and hunting solo is a natural male behavior that needs to be encouraged. A night out hanging out with other hunters and staying “hydrated” can foster a more peaceful and relaxing atmosphere at home. Nothing can rekindle a relationship better than the male animal being away for a while. It is also a great time to clean the house too.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Man ! What a photograph. Just stunning!!

10:58 PM  
Blogger Anoop G said...

will keep watching the blog, for more stories from those three days!

1:33 AM  

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